Our Second Daughter’s Birth Story
Where to even begin… I suppose I’ll start off with saying, if you haven’t read Piper Bravery’s birth story you can do so HERE. Also, if you’ve come to this post looking for the free pregnancy, birth, and postpartum workshop… scroll to the very bottom for more information!
Birth is a sacred blessing… it’s a piece of heaven on this earth. Where the spiritual meets the earthly. Regardless of what kind of birth you have, hospital, home, natural, cesarean… I think the most important piece is that you feel empowered, respected, informed, and can truly trust who is delivering your baby. I found this in my midwife and birthing center. They have given me a gift that is priceless. Bringing my babies into this world in a way that leaves me feeling like I experienced heaven. I’ve learned to trust my body in whole new ways this time around.
“Learn to respect this sacred moment of birth, as fragile, as fleeting, as elusive as dawn.”
After experiencing Piper’s birth (which was the most empowering hours of my life) I knew I wanted to approach birth differently this time around. Not necessarily because I was scared of the pain. Or scared to birth again. But because I knew there was MORE to natural birthing I could tap into. More peace. More gentleness. More respect for this precious tiny human entering this big world.
Pregnancy and birth prep
My approach to birth this time around was much different. I tapped into as many resources as possible. Specifically resources on:
pelvic floor therapy
and body balancing.
I tried to utilize as many free or at home options, but I also hired a midwife hypnobirthing instructor who I worked 1 on 1 starting at 16 weeks pregnant. I’ll explain more about this! I worked with a pelvic floor therapist for the last 8 weeks of pregnancy. And I did Spinning Babies Daily Essential exercise program from week 15 on as well.
Nutrition and the Klenner Vitamin C protocol was still a big part of this pregnancy, as it was with Piper’s. However, I won’t dive into the details of that as much. If you have questions about this you can submit them at the end of this post in the form.
During Pipers pregnancy a lot of the questions I asked my midwife sounded like…. can I go downhill mt. biking? Can I sleep at 12,000ft elevation? Can I ski at 38 weeks? Her answer was always, “listen to your body.” This time around I was asking about how to really set my body up for success. Her answer was always, “shake that booty!”
34 weeks
My body was under a lot of stress with Piper going through a season of split nights. I had some early labor signs and completely stopped any hikes or physical activity until 36 weeks. My husband to the rescue took over night time with Piper and things calmed down. I still had in my head that this baby would come early!
40 weeks
Well 40 weeks rolled around and my perfectly aligned due date + full moon came and passed. I had been having braxton hicks on and off since 36 weeks. That last week of pregnancy felt like it lasted forever!! Every night i would go to bed, breathe through my braxton hicks, fall asleep, and wake up the next morning still pregnant!
Family hike!
Sunday, two days before 41 weeks my body was definitely communicating labor was around the corner. I’ll spare the details. 😃 We did get out for a 2 mile family hike! I wasn’t sure if labor would come in the night that night… but Monday morning I woke up and new baby Hope was either coming Monday or Tuesday morning. Rich stayed home from work and we really had a wonderful family day together. In the late afternoon we got out for another 2 mile family walk. I was starting to feel contractions more frequently.
By 8PM that night I was laboring in our little bathroom by myself. I had my candles lit, oils diffusing, sipping my hot tea, pounding my vitamin C, my music tracks playing, and fully in my hypnobirthing zone with each contraction. The pain was so manageable with the contractions I felt as though I wasn’t even progressing in labor. With each contraction I focused on the visuals I had created in my mind (which I’ll talk about more in a bit!) and was zoned into the music. I kept my hips and sacral completely loose and free in each contraction. On my hands and knees I moved my spine in an “S” shape, I moved my hips in figure 8s and U shapes. I knew that if I could continue to move through each contraction I was loose and relaxed. I breathed into my womb and sometimes took shorter chest breaths to catch a break. The contractions came and went peacefully.
As part of the hypnobirthing classes I had mentally and visually been rehearsing my birth for months. I picked 4 peaceful soundtracks to tune my body into and listen to over and over and over. One track was of an ocean with calm music, another of a spring trickling down and birds sweetly singing, another track of a forest, and another of an ocean. I really zoned into the ocean tracks. I had created a visual in my head so real I could smell, taste, and see little details. As I listened to the ocean waves I saw the sunrising over the ocean… the radiant light beaming across the waves and sparkling on the sand. I felt the sand between my toes. I embraced the cold waves as they calmly washed over me. I felt free and relaxed. And on the shore I saw in the distance my good Shepherd holding my baby and walking closer and closer to me… with each wave that washed over me… each contraction… He came closer. The Shepherd I knew loves my baby so perfectly in a way I’ll never be able to. And yet, he was walking closer and closer to me… to give me this precious gift of life. To entrust me to mother and nurture this child. Even through my imperfections and failures… he brought her to me. He trusted me.
The other place I created in my mind was a beautiful meadow with a stream trickling down… and a big tree planted with deep deep roots. There by this meadow I saw my family, playing, singing, and laughing in the grass. The smell of lavender filled the air. And our good Shepherd looked over us, laughing with us, and comforting us. I held my new baby in my arms and it felt as though we were in the most beautiful still piece of nature. A safe place. A quiet place. A place just like the psalmist described in Psalm 23.
Because I had created these places in my mind so vividly and clearly I had anchored the visuals to the tracks I listened to. Those tracks brought these places to life. And I truly felt as though the contractions were painless.
I had also rehearsed saying a word to myself that could bring me into a calm state. That word was “Shepherd.” Whenever I felt as though I was getting “out of control” I would say that word and the warm sensation of total and complete relaxation would wash over me. I had so many opportunities to practice implementing these visuals and staying calm - especially while swimming in the 50 degree Oregon ocean all year long! My last swim during the month of October I was actually enjoying the cold ocean in just my bathing suit… going completely under and staying calm with each wave.
Our minds are powerful and incredible. I’m so fascinated by what I experienced this birth and how our bodies can manage and handle pain while staying present.
Heading to the birthing center
At about 11:30 PM Rich came into the bathroom and I asked for some counter pressure on my back. He started timing my contractions (as I had not been this whole time) and said they were 1-3 minutes apart. He contacted my midwife and they made a plan to meet at the birth center at 12:30 AM (Tuesday morning). I was thinking in my head there is no way I am close to delivery. I still have HOURS to go. We left Piper asleep in our bed and our dear friend Britta came over and snuggled our sweet Piper while we left.
Once I got in the car I lost my music as it wasn’t loud enough. I started to loose my calm and peace and the three contractions I had during our short 12 minute drive to the birthing center were INTENSE.
I got to the birthing center I immediately asked my midwife to see if she could feel the babies position. No cervix checks for me for either baby! My midwife told me baby was in PERFECT positioning. This was the validation I needed to let my body completely go and be free to birth. I was still holding onto the fear that baby was posterior. From the time she told me this I had two contractions, on the third my water broke, I immediately felt the need to push. I pushed for 11 minutes in the birthing tub, my husband jumped in with his clothes on… and Hope Radiance Cyr was BORN into this world at 1:20 AM (25min. after we arrived at the birthing center) weighing 8lb. Like a radiant beam of light bursting from my body and into my arms. The pushing felt wild and out of control and painful for me. It was completely different type of pushing then what I experienced with Piper. It felt foreign and I didn’t know how to breathe through it or position my body because I had not mentally or visually prepared for this. My midwife coached me through the pushing and baby Hope knew exactly what she needed to do to get herself into my arms.
From there golden hour set in. Birth was over. Already fading into a memory. My sweet baby girl was finally here… in my arms.
Piper’s first few moments with Hope
I’ll end with a message my dear midwife sent me. Find yourself someone who believes in you and your bodies ability to birth. Someone who empowers and trusts you.
In January I am hosting a free online pregnancy, birth, and postpartum workshop! Please see the forum below if you’re interested!
“Darlin...I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for finding midwives and for trusting your body after having a stroke just a couple years ago… I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about it this go around in your pregnancy… But it just makes me really happy to know that you were able to birth as your body was meant to regardless of that piece of medical history… I know you would’ve been labeled inappropriately as high risk in another setting and I’m so happy you were able to trust your instincts and find providers that served you… You have such an inspiring story about what is possible when you listen to your gut and seek appropriate alternatives...❤️ Thank you for choosing me to be with you for both of your experiences so far - it really means a lot to me.”
I’ve had a lot of questions about more pregnancy, birth, and postpartum details. It’s outside of my scope of practice as a Functional Medicine Health Coach to give individualized medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. However, I am hosting an online workshop where I can answer questions and point you to resources from experts that I used! I will also be talking about building sustainable and peaceful lifestyle changes into your motherhood journey. If you’re interested in this workshop fill out the form below! I have yet to determine a date but I’ll add you to my e-mail list. ALSO, if you have specific questions you want covered during the workshop then please write them in the message.