My Primal Endurance Blueprint Journey
For the past 4 years I have been following the Primal Endurance Blueprint for endurance training and movement! After graduating from my injury plagued collegiate athlete career, I was really burned out on “working out.” As a matter of fact, I really stopped working out all together. I started focusing my energy and attention on outdoor recreation I loved and enjoyed! Like rock climbing, trail running, hiking, backpacking, and mountain biking.
The biggest thing for me was enjoying outdoor recreation and not forcing myself to go to the gym. Fast forward a few years later and I discovered Primal Endurance Blueprint. It immediately caught my attention as my old college injuries often haunt me.
Primal Endurance Blueprint has taught me to consider my lifestyle as my workout. Isn’t it odd that in today’s society we “go to workout?” And yet, our hunter/gatherer ancestors moved throughout their day as a by product of survival. Running through the forest, ducking under branches, jumping over logs, fast bursts of movement followed by long steady movement.
Now, don’t get me wrong. There are many aspects of community workouts or workout programs I really love! But I find that I often experience burnout the more I make my workout rigid and compartmentalized. And when I experience burnout I then lose the joy of it and fall off the bandwagon all together.
Primal Endurance Blueprint For Me Today - 1 Year PostPartum
Well, that brings me to where I am at today! Having a baby often limits my ability to spontaneously go on a trail run, or mountain bike, or rock climb. We’ve figured out some rhythms that work for us… like sprinting in a stroller! Through the Primal Endurance philosophy I was able to successfully run a 17 mile race through sand dunes 1 year postpartum!
PC: Steven Mortinson Film and Photo
For 2020 I decided to focus on two things:
Simplify my primal endurance movements:
Meaning, when it comes to working out, I’m really only focusing on these 4 on a daily basis:
Push ups
Pull ups
When I feel like it and have the opportunity I still totally welcome group fitness, outdoor recreation like a trail run or mountain bike session…or a spontaneous workout program!
Integrate my primal endurance movements:
Working out doesn’t really look like a couple hours all to myself to hit the gym. Instead, it looks like wearing my baby on my back while she naps… and doing a few squats! Sprinting with my grocery cart! Doing some pull ups in our kitchen when I can.
Each day I have goals for myself for the total amount I want to hit. And throughout the day I work on integrating these 4 types of movements as much as I can. This way it helps me get my heart rate up, easily remember what movements I’m focusing on (I really can’t stand having to watch videos or programs for how to work out… or check a list to see what movement is next up….).
Primal Endurance Movement Tracker
I’ve also created this tracker to help me keep track of the total amount! It’s not organized by days…. instead I just quantify how much movement equals 1 square. For example:
10 squats = 1 square
5 push ups = 1 square
2 pull ups = 1 square
10 second sprint = 1 square
And i continue coloring in these squares as they add up!
If you’re interested in a copy of this tracker, I can send you one! Just fill out the form below.
Happy moving folks! Remember, primal endurance focuses on life long ability to move, age gracefully, and nourish your body. It’s important to keep that in mind!